Alive Scientific Journal is interested in publishing nascent, original and highly standard discoveries in the areas of botany, zoology, agriculture, plant breeding, microbiology, biochemistry, biotechnology, molecular biology, genetics and any other biology related areas. Papers submitted for publication are peer reviewed by at least two specialized editors, to provide a fair and rapid constructive evaluation. Alive Scientific Journal publishes six times yearly, this is to regularly transmit the newly relevant finding to targeted individuals.

Authors interested in submitting to this journal should read through the Author Guidelines. Also, Authors should register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process, this process will ensure effective follow-up with article submission. Authors should also read the editorial review precedure which basically follows  a double-blind reviewed process - meaning that  each article  has two reviewers, and that reviewer and author identities, in each case, are concealed  from each other throughout the Review Process. If you encounter any challenge during submission kindly send article directly to editor using